- Publisher plus vs the print shop how to#
- Publisher plus vs the print shop full#
- Publisher plus vs the print shop software#
CMYK uses four different color inks (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) overlapping each other to achieve the full color spectrum. The CMYK coloration mode is intended for use in paper printing applications and printing specific, exact colors.ĬMYK is also referred to as “process colors,” which is different than spot colors (also called PMS – Pantone Matching System). It is intended to be applied to print on white or colored paper, and calculates the correct hues by “subtracting” from the initial brightness of the paper.

(This eliminates room for errors with the printing estimate and final printed result). Usually, files need to be built at actual size and use bleed space when appropriate. Some of the industry’s standard applications include: Illustrator, a drawing program to create logos or illustration Photoshop, a pixel-based program to manipulate photos and InDesign, a page layout program to create a single or multi-page document. If the print shop uses a newer or older version than what the art file was created with, you can run into problems.
Publisher plus vs the print shop software#
Here are some of the most important elements to consider:Īrt must be prepared in the software that is best suited for the particular task, and in a version that is compatible with the selected print shop. Creation of artwork – Important factsĬreating artwork requires taking multiple factors into account. Meticulous attention to detail at each step of the process is necessary to avoid these kinds of issues. This generates delays, cost overruns, unanticipated proofing rounds, late-stage design changes, and sometimes disappointment over the finished job. The reasons vary from missing fonts and/or images, to the use of incompatible software, for example. Unless the graphic designer is trained in production management, the odds increase substantially for a less than satisfactory print job. Once a design is approved, the files must be “packaged”.
Publisher plus vs the print shop how to#
Note: While it is tempting to hire a freelance graphic designer to create materials that can be sent directly to a low-cost printer, not all graphic designers know how to properly prepare files for printing. Graphic design is defined as the arrangement of type and visual elements along with specifications for paper, ink colors, and printing processes that, when combined, convey a visual message. The graphic design stage includes concepting, page layout, typography, illustration, photography selection, color decisions, and producing final computer files. Today, we open the doors of our Art/Production Department to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of what the print process looks like at BluePrints. There is an enormous difference between a quality print job and simply sending your files to a local franchise print shop. The purpose of this month’s article is to help you understand how detailed and complex the print process truly is, and the value of working with someone who has the expertise to ensure your job is handled correctly.

The Print Production Process Explained Reading Time: 7 minutes By Emma MacMillan, Studio Manager