UW-IT cannot answer questions about these applications, however, users who can successfully install and use them under these Terms and Conditions are welcome to do so. For those with other device types, F5 Networks has made F5 Access or BigIP Edge clients available for a number of operating systems (e.g., Android, iOS, etc.) in appropriate app stores. As the underlying Husky OnNet service is from F5 Networks, these are slightly customized F5 client applications. UW makes available Husky OnNet client applications for MacOS, WIN, and Linux devices. If you agree to the term and conditions, click “I agree” at the bottom of the webpage to proceed to download Husky OnNet for MacOS, WIN, or LINUX on the UWare system.First, review the Terms and Conditions for Husky OnNet.Note: If you’ve followed these instructions but still aren’t able to get to the resource you are trying to access, please see Special Uses. Test your connection via the Husky OnNet test server.
Find and run the Husky OnNet software to finish installation.Download and install the Husky OnNet client software.To get started using Husky OnNet, you will: Husky OnNet for mobile: F5 BIG-IP Edge applications (client) apps are also available for tablets and other devices (e.g., Android, iOS, ChromeOS) from the respective app store (Google Play Store, iTunes, Chrome Web Store). Husky OnNet for MacOS, Microsoft Windows and Linux: Available free for UW students, faculty and staff via download from UWare.

Husky OnNet is the branded name of the UW VPN service provided by UW-IT that uses the F5 BIG-IP Edge applications. Husky OnNet provides individual users (current UW students, faculty and staff) with a secure connection to the UW network from remote locations